individual Therapy with Dr. Raven NK Bruce
Being human, change is inherent in living. chemicals which direct our moods and thoughts surge and ebb, one moment to the next. seven years pass and we are each a new being: every cell in the body is replaced with a fresh one. we have evolved for Millennia against impossible odds. our resilience defies explanation. adaptation defines us. yet uncertainty still unnerves.
Our busy minds seek and set into familiar narratives to hold us steady: how things should be and what we call true. we contract into static beliefs about ourselves and others. humans favor the known, even if it appears to be broken or is hurting us. Not to know. an intimate displacement - leaves us disarmed and vulnerable, a feeling we are socialized to avoid.
Uncertainty may present as a glint of clarity, often unwanted : our life isn’t right or we are not right in it. there is disconnect and strain in the whirr and jangle of every day commitments. relationships may feel thin and forced. a disquieting realization may begins to rub against the habits of our mind. we question: what do we need why do we need it? doubt unnerves us and we land at the crossroad of growth.
a Life crossroad may be precipitated by:
Difficult life circumstances : i.e, current pandemic, economic uncertainty, actions / decisions of others
a final straw in an already fragile situation
strain of Emotional or Physical trauma
addiction ( food, work, substances, sex, beauty, material, ideology )
The healthy maturation of a questioning mind
Individual Psychotherapy seeks to:
Provide a safe, sane space to make sense of your life and its options
explore core values that underly your life pASSION AND Purpose
align action / decisions to these values
examine stories you tell about your life and the inherent behavior patterns that work against your happiness
find the thread of personal responsibility that runs through your narrative and pull it
Create effective plans to address practical life dilemmas
learn coping strategies that work and build confidence in your ability to use them
begin to trust in your resilience and step towards daunting change vs resisting it
find the courage to manifest your deepest joy